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ESCOT elearning modeling

The partners from the project ESCOT met in Austria in mid-March, 2018. The objectives of this meeting were to :

  • Present and share the scenarios of the first 4 elarning modules

  • Regulate the writing of the scenarios by making the description of characters and situations coherent and by defining and distributing the sequences of knowledge

  • Prepare and regulate the writing of the storyboards

During this seminar, the partners have worked on the conception of the scenarios of course but also on the shape and design of the elearning resources which are now related to a french national project called CAP-FORM Express.

The partners have decided to adapt the design of CAP-FORM Express for their resources. The design of CAP-FORM Express uses the metaphor of the travel by train to implement interactions and learning activities.

The partners of ESCOT have adapted the learning design by setting up their user interface, using existing characters and also designing their own characters and organising the activities in 5 differents wagons which have their training functions in the learning design of ESCOT.

In all the scenarios, the user follows novice trainers who face various difficulties in their job of trainer. The travel by train is a way to improve their competences by trying to find solution to their problems. On the train, they can interact with other characters, find resources, methods and tools in to understand better their situation, analyse what to do and try to new options of practices.

In each "quest" the junior trainers have opportunities to improve their understanding, get new insights to their situations and implement new practices...

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