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Conference - workshops

Establishing a base of teaching skills for adults' trainers in Europe

Results of the European project ESCOT related to the teaching skills
of adults' trainers in Europe

Friday, July 5th 2019  | 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
  Pôle numérique de Villejean

The ESCOT project (Establishing Skills Core for C-VET Trainers in Europe) aims to promote the development of the trainers' teaching skills in Europe. Its objective is to identify and develop a base of skills that can be used in most situations encountered by trainers. After three years of work, the Director of GIP-FAR is pleased to invite you to the conference-workshops organized to present the results of the project.

Conference and workshops program

8:45 am | Welcoming of participants

9:00 am | Opening speech by Paul Quénet, Director of GIP FAR

9:15 am | Interactive conference

Thierry Piot > Professor in Science of Education in Caen Normandy University
Director of Cirnef EA 7454 laboratory
Bertrand Boudey >Vocational training consultant, project officer of ESCO


10:00 am | Partners' comments

BFI-ÖO > Austria
ENAIP > Italy


10:30 am | Break


10:40 am | Workshops

Workshop > Discovery of e-learning modules
Workshop > Storyboard writing of modules
Workshop > Analysis of activities
Workshop > Interactive teaching Quiz


12:30 pm | Lunch - Cocktail

 2:00  pm | End of the conference- workshops

ESCOT is an innovative  project funded by the European program Erasmus Plus

Documents of the conference

Here are the documents of the conference

Conference Program

Conference slideshow

Competences standard

Keywords and tools

Outils Module 6

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